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Progress is an omnipresent word. There’s no run-away from the term, be it progress in technology, in the job or learning progress throughout the life of a human being — to name just a few examples of many. But how often do we ask for a deeper meaning behind this little word? Or, what does progress really mean?

The projects examines the term progress and the related questions in a theoretical, as well in a practical manner. The theoretical parts deals with progress from a scientifical and a historical perspective, revealing the development of progress as a way of thinking within western societies and analyzes our modern understanding of progress in a critical way. The practical part deals with progress from an artistical perspective and consists of 8 graphics, attended by shorter texts about different topics which are related to progress.

The typical »white-box« aesthetic of the average artist’s books was ditched, because in my opinion this project is more of a mixture of art, science and design, than an art-only project.

Artist’s book, consisting of a 52-page hardcover book (~30×30 cm) and 8 graphics in enevelopes of the same size in a box.

Original title: Fortschritt – eine philosophische und künstlerische Auseinandersetzung (Progress — a philosophical and artistical examination)

Christoph Lemmer
Paul Kunofski


Die Grafiken

Faded Progess
The Atomic Age

Synthetic Progress
The Discovery of Plastic

Technological Progress
Die Automation

Ethical Progress
Der Anti-Speciesism

Moral Progress
The End of Chauvinism

Dangerous Progress
The Industrialization of Agriculture

Economic Progress
The Free Market

Personal Progress
Coming of Age

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